Monday, January 24, 2011

Democrats w/ titles

Last night, I was watching a political debate with my Dad; it was between Robert Reich (a democrat) and another person who was a republican. Mr. Reich is an Ivy League college professor and a cabinet member for a prior president .He has some impressive titles. My point is, just because he has a big title and is on the news, doesn’t mean he is right, fair, or is telling the truth. The following are a couple examples of the point I am trying to make.
The first example is; say there was a town with 100 people in it, where 12 of those people might be working hard and making a lot of money. These people might be working for 11 hours a day. They might also be doing some extracurricular activity in addition to their regular work. Can you guess what would happen to these people next? They could become rich and successful. And they should be because they work hard!! Robert Reich doesn’t respect these people, he robin hoods them. Everyone knows Robin Hood, the robber who takes from the rich and successful and gives the money he steals to the poor and maybe people who don’t work as hard. That all sounds great but even if he gives to the poor he still is a robber.
The second example is that Democrats think they’re better than everyone else. They think they know more and want to decide everything for everyone else. They do this for their benefit mostly….. Democrats would literally control you if they had the chance. They are not better and they are not smarter. I would say they were the opposite. From the things he said it sounds like Mr. Reich is for all of this. HE wants government to decide things for you and control a lot of your life.
The above examples are examples are unfair and things that MR. Reich believes in. They show that just because a person is a professor and talks on TV, does not make this person right or fair.

MissNat :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


On weekday and Sunday nights at 5:30 to 10 a radio show called Mancow is on. it talks about politics and is very interesting. For more info go to